It is with great pleasure and pride that the Board of Trustees of the STAR Multi Academy Trust can announce that it becomes an entity today, Tuesday 1 May 2018, when Monk Fryston CE Primary, Riverside Primary, Saxton CE Primary and Tadcaster Grammar School formally obtain their academy status. The trust will grow rapidly over the next two months as all the remainder of our partners: Appleton Roebuck Primary, Kellington Primary, Kirk Fenton CE Primary, Sherburn High, Sherburn Hungate Primary and South Milford Primary also convert to become academies.
All schools in the STAR Multi Academy trust will retain their own individual ethos and character and Local Governing Bodies will continue to have a very significant role to play in the running of each school.
Chief Education Officer for the STAR Multi Academy Trust, Martyn Sibley said ‘this is a really important day which marks the end of a great deal of hard work behind the scenes and the beginning of a new era of cooperation and partnership between the schools in our community’. He added ‘we believe that by working closely together and by sharing resources and expertise that we will achieve more together for our children than we would have been able to do as individual schools’.
For further details about the structure and operation of the STAR MAT please see our web-site at