We believe that every child should enjoy a rich and balanced curriculum and so are privileged to teach in a school where creativity is a valued and celebrated skill. Through weekly art lessons at Key Stage 3 every student is able to enjoy an introductory curriculum in which they learn foundation skills using a wide variety of materials and techniques including drawing, painting, printmaking and ceramics.
High expectations are central to our ethos; challenging every student to achieve their best at every stage. The great Michelangelo once said “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark”. We believe that within every individual there is an artist and we aim to provide the supportive steps needed for every student to achieve expert level outcomes. As students progress through the key stages we encourage taking creative risks, thinking critically and mastering technique through exploring, investigating and refining with fluency.
The art rooms are a welcome space in which students are able to finish and extend upon classwork activities at breaks and after school. We also offer a range of enrichment opportunities in the form of clubs and trips.
For students wishing to continue their art education into Ks4 they may opt for either a BTEC or GCSE qualifications followed by Fine Art at A ’Level (Edexcel).
To view the Curriculum Overview for each Key Stage, please select the relevant button.