Supporting young carers

A young carer is a person aged between 8  and 18 who takes on an active caring role for a family member with a physical or mental illness, disability , drug or alcohol problem. A young carer can also help to look after siblings and the upkeep of the family home.

North Yorkshire County Council has commissioned Action for Children to provide a young carers service. Tadcaster Grammar School works alongside children’s services worker Kate Vincent from Selby Young Carers, who says; “It is our mission that every child and young person has a safe and happy childhood and the foundations they need to thrive. Our values are passionate, collaborative, ambitious and inclusive”.

Young carers within TGS are supported by a dedicated worker who visits them in school for 1:1 sessions so they can talk about any worries or concerns they may have, provide them with information and signpost them to other agencies who may be able to offer support.  Some young people do not get the chance to go on days out due to the level of their caring role, the Young Carers Service provide much needed trips and activities so they can have a bit of time for themselves.

Caring for a parent or relative can be hard on young people. It can affect their experience at school, their friendships and their future. Young carers deserve the same opportunities as other young people. The young carers project wants students to be able to go out with their friends, have time for themselves, and enjoy time away from home.

Anyone can make a referral to the service, from young carers themselves to parents or professionals working with the family. Once a referral is made, the referral is allocated to a worker who will undertake an age appropriate and non-intrusive assessment using the I-Care assessment tool and the Manual for Measures of Caring Activities and Outcomes for Children and Young People. The assessment is used to establish whether the young person is a young carer, and what level of support they need. Once confirmed that a young person is eligible for support, a plan of appropriate support is agreed.

We would like your help to ensure that all young carers within our school receive the support they need. For more information please contact:
Kate Vincent
Children’s Services Worker
Selby Young Carers | Action for Children

07702442856 | @actnforchildren |

Give young carers a childhood.